Keeping with our sciences roots, VA Sciences can provide experimental style service to create hypothesis and prototype proof of concepts. A recent example of this is the popular industry topic of the use of CO2 monitors to gauge the risk of transmission to spaces. Through our investigations utilising computational modelling, we have found no correlation between the level of CO2 and the risk of transmission in a setting (a follow up practical test to validate this result will soon commence). Engineering guidelines ensure consistent and updated engineering practices are followed, across all new and refurbishment projects within a client’s Portfolio. A well-developed set of guidelines provide “the why”. This then leaves portfolio managers and project managers with a clear path to allow the designers engaged on a project to then provide “the how”. The guidelines would be developed in consultation with the built environment team. This is the approach undertaken as part of the update of the Victorian Department of Health Engineering Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities. Our team can also assist in providing expertise in: • Ventilation for infection control and containment • Specialist Health Facility design • COVID-considered assessment and design • All electric hospitals • Central energy and infrastructure systems